1 - Install

1.1 - From GIT repository

1.2 - With composer


You can point your virtual host root to the /vendor/potsky/pimp-my-log directory, all assets are in this folder.

1.3 - From archive

$ wget -O pml.zip https://github.com/potsky/PimpMyLog/zipball/master && unzip -o pml.zip && mv potsky-PimpMyLog-* PimpMyLog && rm pml.zip

or tarball file:

$ wget -O - https://github.com/potsky/PimpMyLog/tarball/master | tar xzf - && mv potsky-PimpMyLog-* PimpMyLog

2 - First configuration

At the first launch, the configurator will be displayed.

In most of case, you will just have to click on Ok or Next buttons.

Got it! Your Pimp My Log instance is configured and ready to use. Click on the Pimp my Logs now! button.